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Sunday 1 June 2014

Tweet, color and LIVE your life away!

Life is like a merry-go-round, round and round in circles and sometimes it is up and sometimes it is down. Well, ain’t that cheesy!But, it is exactly how it goes. I was reminiscing about my life this morning. I thought, well I have some tweet news, life events and stuff to share. So here we go.

Last night I uploaded my video, but did not "promote" it. When I switched on the computer all ready to post the tweet and link and whatever follows, I saw it! On my twitter account it stated the number 999. I am at:
 999 TWEETS! 

In that moment I realised I have been looking forward to this the whole week (carefully tweeting) so that I could have an epic (well in my mind) tweet for my 1000th!  And this is what I came up with:
Of course Watson needed to be a part of this e*p*i*c event! We practised with my husband so that I could get the camera ready, but Watson did not like that and when he saw me he would jump, fly and just be all naughty all over the place. But, when it's time to shine and mummy is with me. Hell yah. I look awesome (I think this is in Watson's mind!).

And then ta ta taaa! 1000 tweets! Smooooth!

Backtracking one day. I have a standing appointment every 3 months with my hair stylist. This last week was the longest week of my life (well, second longest week seeing that I have coloured my hair in March last). So off I went and all excited and freaking out like a 5 year old for some toy. 
And what would a trip be to the hair salon without a picture! I saw it on another youtubers video (the idea) and then jumped on finding a picture on Pinterest (because it is just so much cooler than Google-IM JOKING)
I recorded the whole episode here:

Here is the end product. Man, can I just say that I LOVE IT!
I am not afraid of trying out new things. I have not had any pastel colours on my hair (except a yellow oops), but I've been a "blondes have more fun", a "Brunettes have more fun" , a"Sexy red head" and a "Mysterious black head". So, now lets do a combo! I'll let you know if someone (or me) come up with a cheeky saying for a combo! hahaha )

I don't know if I have mentioned this, but we have puppies as well. I am a grandma of 6! hahaha I just wish they would grow faster so that we can play a bit before they leave (thank goodness). Ain't they just the cutest things...
Just look at that little buts! Cuuuute!

Any who. I am excited. June is going to be a great month, I just feel it in my bones. I have a few stuff I am going to do. On instagram and twitter I am doing a Photo-a-day- challenge starting today. I am really looking forward. I LOVE pictures and I think this is going to be fun. 
Next weekend, I am off to my best friends wedding, are you ready my friend 'cause I am leaving on this jet plane and I am camera armed and dangerous! *evil grin*
We are also doing a few video recordings next weekend and it is going to be epic (yah, I know. Old word, great for me to use).
I look forward to sharing this with you. So stay tuned. And if you would like to be as cool as me-go follow me on twitter and instagram! You don't want to miss this month!

Speak to you soon or sooner!!



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