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Sunday 30 November 2014

Watch this space...coming soon...Wait for it!

Hey guys,

I have some exciting news to share with you. My blog is shutting down. No wait...not for long! Only for a short while.

We are giving it a makeover!!!!! I can not wait to see what it is going to look like. Yah, I don't know either! It will be a surprise for both, but I trust my designer completely and can not wait to see what she creates for my little spot on the internet.

The blog will close  on the 1st of December and will be relaunched in December. The date will be announced on T W I T T E R so you can follow me there to stay updated. 

In the meantime go check out C O L O U R C O D E as this is Fransa's website who is helping me create a coool spot, tailored to my identity.


and be ready to be bombarded with brand new and fresh content!

I am excited!!!!!

Speak to you soon...or sooner!

Photo a day challenge | Water

Day 30: Water

I can not believe that it has come to the last day. I first want to thank my trusty cousin and friend for joining me and making this a lot of fun! I really couldn't wait to see what you have shot the day and how you interpreted the topics. Thank you!

Now, this afternoon I was thinking that I would like the last photo to be more creative than the other. So, on our way home from a weekend at the in-laws, we ended up in a thunder storm. At first I was freaking out on my husband and telling him to slow down (even though he was going like 40km/h) and then I remembered, I don't have a picture yet! So, I got my new Canon baby and shot quite a few images, but these were the two I am most satisfied with to share with you guys.

I wish I could give you all the specs, but give me some time. I will get there. For now, enjoy my amateur shots!

This is a really pretty picture of some thunderous water my cousin took.

Howick Falls - Januarie 2010This photo was taken when my mom, Graham and I went to Amanzimtoti. This was also the first time my mom walked in warm sea water!

Photo credit: E Downs

Now, who does not like a hot bath!

My friend said that this is Alana's (her little girl) favourite time. When we start running her bath!
Photo credit: N Kotze

So, would you like to join us next time? Stay tuned because in February I will be running another challenge and I would love you to be a part of it!

Speak to you soon...or sooner!

Photo a day challenge | Vintage

Day 29: Vintage

Vintage is a nice word for something very old fashioned or just plain old. I wondered what was going to pop up on this topic. But  have to say, these items are really Vintage!

This bookcase was handmade by my husband's grandfather. They had to do a school project and this is what he chose. This bookcase can also turn. It is approximately 60 years old. I am amazed!

This bookcase will one day be an inherited peace for my husband and I am proud that we may add it one day to our collection. 

My friend also send me a picture of an inherited piece. This table was handmade especially for her aunt and now it is ours. It is approximately 60 years old!
Photo credit: N Kotze

My cousin have a different Vintage item. This is the Hanepoot vine at my mom's house (there is a Sultana Vine 

Photo credit: E

Do you have any item that is really old..or Vintage?

Speak to you soon...or sooner!

Friday 28 November 2014

Photo a day challenge | Peace

Day 28: Peace

I have to say this topic is quite challenging, because everyone interprets peace differently. But that is what makes it so interesting.

I have two peace places. 

When I run, I run a blank. Most people say they think and reminisce about the day or something they need to think about. But me, I blank. It is quiet in my head and heart.
Photo credit: Park run Potchefstrooom

And off course the beach/sea. I love the sea. It calms my soul. I am getting very la di da, but it does. It is like inner peace. OK, before I go all free spirit on you (hehehe) it is one of my favourite places! This photo was taken in Mauritius last year on our trip.

My friend's peace photo:
My new job brings me so much peace (Maybe not the peace you had in mind). But they send me a special delivered bouquet to say "Get well soon". I am feeling so much love
 Photo credit: N Kotze
And it is a lovely bouquet.

My cousin gives us a breakdown of the word peace: Define: (noun) Freedom from disturbance; tranquility.
And then the bush is her peace and quiet place. This photo was taken in April 2014 at a place called Waaigras.
Photo credit: E Downs
It is really pretty and looks really peaceful!

Where is your place of peace? Share with us in the comments below.

Speak to you soon...or sooner!

Thursday 27 November 2014

Photo a day challenge | Favourite Place

Day 27: Favourite Place

We ALL have a favourite place. Don't you? I have a few, but if I have to pick one place it has to be Yzerfontein at the West Coast. The sea is dreadfully cold and un-swimable (This is the most acurate word to explain it although I don't think this is a word), but the memories-priceless!

I have spent countless summers here. My parents have been camping there for a very long time. I have met some of my life long friends there. Even if we did not see each other the whole year or spoke very little to each other throughout the year, at December we reunite and just take off where we last left everything. 

Hours of talking
Eating ice cold ice cream
Even swimming in that cold sea
Late night camp fires
Hours in the sun (with sun screen of course)
New Years morning breakfast's
Dancing at Flamingo's in Langebaan
Long walks on the beach
Fireworks on the beach New Years Eve

I can go on with this list. I really miss those days. But, we have photo's to remind us. So here is my favourite place Yzerfontein Beach. This was taken 31 December 2013. The last sun-set of the year. And my hubby was there right next to me.

This is my cousin's favourite place...Our bed!
 Photo credit: E Downs

Now, let me just say, I am sure a lot of people will agree that your bed is surely one of your favourite places! I know mine is on my list!

My friend says, she wanted to take a picture of her bed after her visit to the hospital, BUT her favourite place is right next to her blue-eyed family. Look at this little face!
 Photo credit: N Kotze

What or where is your favourite place to be?

Speak to you soon...or sooner!

Photo a day challenge | Shadow

Day 26: Shadow

WOW, I was so freakin excited for this topic when I saw it yesterday morning and rained the whole day and then the power went out and then I couldn't upload the photo's!! I also struggled with getting a cute photo. I went and actually Googled some tips and checked on Pinterest. Aii.

I did take a photo, but I am not satisfied. I will take a cool pictures of a shadow..someday when it stops raining!

So, here you go. I used a candle to create the shadows seeing that the power was out. 

I got this from Mr Price Home earlier this year. I just love this little bird cage. 

This kitties I bought at a market. They keep me company when I play my piano:)

This is such a cool photo and what I had in mind. My cousin went fishing with her family and this is her father in law busy reeling in his catch. Cousin, really nice photo!
Photo credit: E Downs

My friend's "shadow". And because we ALL did this as kids! Good memories!

Photo credit: N Kotze

Speak to you soon..or sooner!


Tuesday 25 November 2014

Photo a day challenge | Pastel blue

Day 25: Pastel Blue

This is my favorite color. This and green off course. But for today, lets focus on the blue (happy one that is).

This little doll with her pastel blue pants have been with me for quite some time. I got her as a birthday present some time ago from my mom. She holds my rings for me and a little key ring I bought in Mauritius. I love this doll to bits! 

My poor friend is in the hospital, but I love her creativity. This, she says, is the closest thing she could get to pastel blue. The bed curtain.
Photo credit: N Kotze

My cousin found the pretty blue sky this afternoon at her husband's work. It's been raining a lot lately so this is a pretty picture!
Photo credit: E Downs

Speak to you soon...or sooner!

Monday 24 November 2014

Photo a day challenge | Hug

Day 24: Hug

Sometimes you just need a hug. How many time have you said this to someone of vice versa? I can not count how many times I just needed a hug or gave someone a hug, just because.

Go out today and give someone a hug. It makes both feel much better. You never know who might need it.

My hubby and I really love our cat. He has been with us from the beginning. We got him just before we got married. He moved with us 6 out of the 8 times (it might turn into 9 before the end of this year..) and he never ran away. He loves us unconditionally as we love him.

I am still learning to use my grand camera, maybe I should just read the book my husband bought me...that way the pictures will look better. BUT here are some shots I tried. I hope one of them at least is OK.

Hug for the kitty!

Cousin and Hubby. He took this photo with his webcam (great quality I say). This is also our first photo with our new specs. -I like cousin!

Photo credit: G Downs

Speak to you soon...or sooner!

Sunday 23 November 2014

Photo a day challenge | Fresh fruit

Day 23: Fresh Fruit

Who does not just love fresh fruit? And especially now that it is summer, it's watermelon, pineapple and melon time! My oh my!

So, the challenge me your fresh fruit!

I had my birthday party on Friday. This is what we had with our dinner. Doesn't it just look absolutely yummy!

There is also nothing prettier than a basket of fresh fruit on the table. It also lends some color to the kitchen. So here is my friend's Fresh fruit basket.
Photo credit: N Kotze

My cousin had a fresh fruit salad with apple and pineapple.What a combo. They certainly compliment each other. Looks really yummy!
Photo credit: E Downs

What is your favorite fresh fruit??

Speak to you soon...or sooner!

Saturday 22 November 2014

Photo a day challenge | Grass

Day 22: Grass

I love the smell of freshly cut grass. And there is nothing prettier than green, really green grass.

Here is today's grass.

This is our little garden of grass and plants.

On the 17th of November they were busy cutting the grass and then it started to rain and hail. So they had to stop cutting. The white is the hail and the pretty triangle was not cut yet.
 Photo credit: E Downs

This is my friend's submission. Her words: Seriously needs a cut after all the rain we had lately.
Photo credit: N Kotze

So, what us your thoughts on grass??

Speak to you soon...or sooner!

Friday 21 November 2014

Photo a day challenge | Ice Cream

Day 21: Ice Cream

I had the most wonderful birthday today, BUT I will post my blog and pictures tomorrow. For now it is back to the topic, Ice Cream. I did not actually have some, but my cup cakes was just awesome (to follow tomorrow).

My hubby bought me sugar free, DSA approved Ice cream. Maybe I will have some tomorrow. So here is my ice cream and (almost) the whole family ;-)

My friend: " I know, I know I am cheating. I did not take the picture myself, but I am sure that everyone will forgive me for this one" - thank you for the wishes my friend xx

She also posted this one saying :Laugh all you want, but this is really nice. Pink AND white ice cream in one tub AND a free bracelet. Caring is sharing! 
Photo credit: N Kotze

This is my and Grahams favorite treat ice cream, but it is almost done. - cousin it's time for a refill!

Photo credit: E Downs

What is your favourite ice cream?? Share in the comments below.

Speak to you soon...or sooner!


Thursday 20 November 2014

Photo a day challenge | Summertime

Day 20: Summertime

Before I jump into this blog. Can I just tell you how happy and excited I am! It is my birthday tomorrow and except for Christmas, this is the second most important day of my year. It is my day (ok maybe millions of other people's day as well seeing that I am not the only one celebrating my birthday on this day). I get to do what I want and be selfish the whole day! I am a huge fan of presents (but who isn't?) and I can eat what I want without feeling guilty. It is my day. And I am seriously looking forward to it.

Ok, enough rambling.

Today's topic (as you have seen) is Summertime

What reminds you of summertime?

In the highveld region, North-West, Gauteng, Freestate ect summertime is identified by our weather patterns this time of year. I think this is pretty cool. I grew up in Cape Town where winter is the rainy season. Here, in the North West the rainy season is in Summer. So, the sky is my summertime identifier or reminder or how you would like to call it. This picture I shot with my Canon 700D. FIY I do need some practice! First SLR problems!

I am not the only one that looks to the sky...

My friend agrees that a thunderstorm is the Summer time identifier!

Photo credit: N Kotze

And when in Cape Town, this is your reminder of Summer. Submitted by my friendy in Somerset-West
The beach and see reminds her of Summertime.

Photo credit: L Schwella

What reminds me of summer: BRAAI! -Cousin

Photo credit: E Downs

Cousin, I have to say your creativity- I like it!!Little man smoking his cigar!

Speak to you soon...or sooner!

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Photo a day challenge | Your pet or friend

Day 19: Your pet or friend

Hallo Ellarina's!

Today's photo challenge was fun. I got to try out my new aren't that great, but damn it is a hello of an upgrade from what I had!! I am amazed!

So, you could photograph your pet or best friend. See we give options!

I decided on my pets. So I have 4... Meet:

Marley and Kelvin (Marley is expecting. She is not always this big)

I am not the only one that really love my kids. A friend joined our photo challenge today and this is her dear Liqourish, her Labrador.
Photo credit: L Schwella

Friendy photographed her best friend from her childhood days. But wait, who did not consider this little black haired girl as their best friend. I really enjoyed watching this show as well. And I am sure at one stage we all knew the words to the theme song!

My best friend from my childhood days.
Photo credit: N Kotze

This was our White Fronted Amazon Parrot, Cawkie. He was crazy about our Christmas tree. Sadly he passed away last year. With him is  Graham, my hubby, but also my best friend. 
Photo credit: E Downs

Well done cousin. Two in one shot!

 Speak to you soon...or sooner!

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Photo a day challenge | Pajamas

Day 18: Pajamas

I can not remember the last time I owned proper pajamas. Like a set. I use to sleep in whatever was comfy and that (most of the time) consisted of a t-shirt and a JTone short.

So, after searching and searching and some more searching I found this cute set at Woolworths. It is comfy and exactly what I would choose to sleep in. I don't like tight clothing, so this is perfect.

My friend says the following: " HELP!!! I admit it...I have a problem!!! Like some woman feel about shoes and handbags...I feel about pajamas. I can never have enough pairs. Here is 2 of my winter collection. I am not even going to start counting the summer sets! hehehe "

Photo credit: N Kotze

Well, I don't know what is happening in Johburg, but apparently it is cold. So my cousin said "Thanks to the sudden colder evenings, I had to take out my winter pajamas. Graham took the photo's and he chose this one".

This sums up my cousin pretty accurately. Funny and (sort of) crazy ;-))
Photo credit: G Downs

What does your pajamas look like? And what is your favourite?? 

Speak to you soon...or sooner!